SRN - 皇金肝 Liver DTX-Pro 草本滋補液 (每盒14瓶)
· 促進肝臟排毒,激活疲勞肝
· 迅速解酒,減少宿醉
· 有利腎臟排出毒素
· 美白淡斑
· 無添加糖、低糖、零脂肪
· 專利包裝設計,方便携帶
4合1 深層排毒補肝草本配方:
- 排毒 - 黑蘿蔔: 提升肝臟深層排毒所需的酵素活性,促進肝臟深層排毒
- 修復 - 洋薊: 恢復肝臟健康;促進膽汁合成和分泌,或有助穩定膽固醇水平
- 補肝 - 大豆卵磷脂: 清除肝臟多餘脂肪;促進肝細胞再生;減輕肝臟受酒精傷害,迅速解酒及減少宿醉
強肝 - 乳薊: 增強肝細胞健康,毒素難以進入肝臟和積聚;增加分泌谷胱甘肽 (GSH),具肝臟抗氧化能力
深層排毒補肝 - 每日1瓶,直接或稀釋後飲用,可連續飲用
飲酒應酬人士 - 飲酒前1支,飲酒後1支
1. 向順時針方向扭至瓶蓋下的膠環斷開後,繼續扭至瓶蓋不能轉動,讓瓶蓋內密封的粉末掉入瓶中
2. 上下搖晃直至粉末在液體中完全溶解
3. 扭開瓶蓋直接飲用或稀釋於水中飲用
貯存: 貯存於陰涼乾燥處
Liver DTX-Pro Concentrated extract of Black radish, Artichoke, milk thistle with soy lecithin and phosphatdylcholine.
Product Features:
· Stimulates liver detoxification
· Alcohol breaker, Hangover cure
· Supports excretion of wastes and toxins
· Skin rejuvenator
· No added sugar, low sugar, 0 fat
· Patented bottle design, easy to carry
4 in 1 Liver Detoxification Herbal Blend:
- Black Radish enhances the activity of the enzymes in the liver, promotes deep liver detoxification.
- Artichoke helps in increasing bile production, suitable for people concerned about cholesterol.
- Soya lecithin and phosphatdylcholine (PC) helps protecting the liver against the effects of alcohol and helps to ease hangover symptoms.
- Milk thistle strengthens liver cells vitality, protects the liver against toxins invasion; increases the production of Glutathione (GSH), a powerful antioxidant for the liver.
Conditions and Suitable for:
Sleep late, lack of sleep and exercise, fatigue, stressful, smoker, alcohol abuse, frequently using cosmetic products, heavy consumption of processed foods and taking drugs
Serving Direction:
It is recommended to take 1 vial a day, directly or diluted in a glass of water or fruit juice.
Smoker/Drinker: Take 14 bottles (1 box) every month
Sleep deprivation / lifestyle with insufficient sleep or under pressure: Take 14 bottles (1 box) every 2-3 months
Seasonal detox diet: Take 14 bottles (1 box) every 4-6 months
Opening Instructions:
1. Completely twist (screw in) the cap. The seal will break and the cap content will fall inside the vial.
2. Shake insistently to dissolve the mixture completely.
3. Remove the cap and take it directly or diluted in water or juices, or pull the ring on top until the seal breaks and take directly.
Watch youtube video here.
Contraindications: Do not recommend for those allergic to any of its components, patients with gastritis, hyperthyroid, pregnant and breast feeding women.
Storage: Store in a cool and dry place.
This product is not registered under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance or the Chinese Medicine Ordinance. Any claim made for it has not been subject to evaluation for such registration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease.